Mark Bittman wrote a great piece in NYT Blog, The Opinionator, about why you and your children need not include milk in your daily diet. He points to his own experience of ending a lifetime of daily gastric distress IN 5 DAYS by eliminating dairy intake. He also raises many important issues with … [Read more...]
January Already?! Happy New Year!
Nothing marks the passage of time as concretely as a growing infant. Lea, now almost seven months old, marked the new year by sitting up tall and taking her first bites of solid food. For her, each day is a triumph as she tackles the world without expectation. Her mother, on the other hand, … [Read more...]
Traditional Chinese Medicine Makes Fertility Treatments Effective
Traditional Chinese medicine has long been used to ease pain and treat disease. Now researchers have found it can also boost fertility if used in combination with fertility treatments. Read … [Read more...]
Our new blog is up and running at last! Stay tuned for lots of informative articles to help you navigate the stresses of Manhattan life and stay healthy through winter and spring. … [Read more...]